February-March 2021
North and South
Often described as a combination of art and science, botanical art records in exquisite detail the form, texture, colour, habitat and life cycles of flowers and plants with artistic affect. North and South highlights the outstanding creative talent of five self-taught botanical artists with links to the area. The exhibition features a selection of contemporary works by Katrina Syme, Pat Dundas, Hilary Mayger and Gail Doust Keirle. The exquisite fragility of the works, illustrating local and regional Western Australian flora, will delight and inform.
The exhibition also celebrates the work of other botanical artists and illustrators. Among these are Emily Pelloe, who authored a number of books on the flowering plants of Western Australia, and Marianne North, who with, single-minded independence travelled to the South West in the 1880’s to paint flora in the area including a Karri tree on the Old Vasse Road that still bears her name.

Santalum acuminatum - Quandong
14 May to 19 June 2021
Friends Old and New
Friends Old and New features the original Manjimup Art Prize work of seven artists exhibited alongside one of their more contemporary works.
The Art Prize (staged from 1967 until 1984) presented the work of artists at various points in their career and played a small part in their artistic journey.
The artists created beautiful works bringing joy to those who viewed them and many went on to enjoy very successful artistic careers.
This exhibition allows us to reacquaint ourselves with some of our favourite works from the Art Prize collection and to reflect on the journey of the artists involved.

Majestic Karri by Lindsay Pow
July-August 2021
Noongar Art Exchange - Celebrating Connections to Culture and Country
Twenty stunning artworks by Wardandi Noongar Artists will be exhibited at the Manjimup Art Gallery to celebrate NAIDOC Week (4-11 July) 2021. Featuring a combination of traditional and contemporary styles, the paintings continue the tradition of visual storytelling of one of the oldest living cultures on earth. The works highlight the rich and deeply spiritual relationship that Noongar People continue to have with the land and the natural environment.
The Noongar Art Exchange collection will be exhibited in WA for a short time before travelling to Jiaxing City in China as a token of friendship and goodwill.

Rainbow Serpent by Liam Mayer
August-September 2021
Fantastic Fungi Exhibition
Following a year's hiatus due to COVID shutdowns, the Manjimup Photo Club Fungi competition is back on for 2021. The competition encourages the participation of photographers of all ages and includes an Open and a Youth Category. A selection of the photographs entered will be exhibited at the Manjimup Art Gallery in August/September.
Further details about participating in the Competition and associated workshops are available on the Manjimup Photo Club facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Nonprofit-Organization/Manjimup-Photo-Club-Inc-1166952420031386/ from April 13 2021.

Fungi by Nicole Watson
November - December 2021
Manjimup Cherry Harmony Festival Art Awards Exhibition
Manjimup Art Gallery
20 November to 15 December 2021
Further information is available at https://www.cherryfestival.com.au/art-awards.