Application Uncertified - class 1a & 10
An uncertified application can only be lodged for Class 1a and Class 10 buildings using a Form BA2. Once your application is submitted the Shire needs to assess compliance with the Building Code of Australia and complete the relevant certification (CDC) before it can grant a building permit. The Shire has 25 business days to approve or reject your application. For a timely approval it is important to ensure plans and specifications submitted with your application demonstrate compliance with the National Construction Code of Australia and all other relevant approvals have been obtained before your application is submitted.
Applications over $20,000 in value require a registered builder or an owner builder approval. If you are considering becoming an owner builder, you will need to seek approval from the Building Commission. Download the application form here.
Copies of the following should accompany your application form:
- Site plan, floor plan & elevation to scale and dimensional;
- Structural plans to scale and dimensional;
- Electrical & plumbing layouts;
- Footing designs;
- Engineers report;
- Site/soil classification;
- Energy efficiency rating (Class 1a only);
- Method of termite treatment; and
- All technical certificates ie: engineers certificate.
You may also need to supply:
- Housing indemnity insurance (HID) where over $20,000 and registered builder engaged;
- Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) assessment;
- Sheds, garages, water tanks and swimming pools/spas can be included within the application if details are provided; and
- Shire Planning and Health approval.