External Support Services
Community Support Services
We all go through a tough financial time at some stage in our lives and it shouldn’t be something that causes embarrassment. Within the Shire there is a range of services available to support our community. An important thing to remember is to ask for assistance earlier rather than later. An overdue utility, or any other bill, is easier to address in the early stages.
Children's Grief Awareness Day
One in 20 Australian children will experience the death of their parent before the age of 18 and many more another loved one. Close family bereavement is amongst the most traumatic experiences for children, with profound and life-long mental and social impacts.
Children's Grief Awareness Day seeks to provide an opportunity for all of us to raise awareness of the painful impact that the death of a loved one has in the life of a child and Help grieving children feel less alone and more supported through changing the culture surrounding children and grief.
Watch the 2023 Children's Grief Awareness Day Virtual Event at www.youtube.com/HighmarkCaringPlace.
Learn More
For more information on how to support a grieving child or youth, visit:
If you would like to feature on our healthy communities support services page please contact us.
Financial Assistance for Primary Producers
Provided through Services Australia, there are five key support elements to the program:
- A fortnightly income support payment.
- Ancillary allowances (e.g. rent assistance, telephone, pharmaceutical) and Health Care Card.
- Care support from a Farm Household Case Officer (FHCO).
- A financial asssessment of the farm enterprise worth up to $1,500.
- $10,000 activity supplement (lifetime capped) to help develop skills, access training and pay for advice to increase the capacity for financial self-reliance.
Epilepsy Helpline