The requirements of the Firebreak and Fuel Hazard Reduction Notice
11 December 2024 - Zone 8 - Manjimup, Pemberton and Quinninup
18 December 2024 - Zone 6 - Northcliffe and Pemberton
The Shire of Manjimup Firebreak & Fuel Hazard Reduction Notice (firebreak notice) is produced yearly by the Community Emergency Services Manager in conjunction with other relevant departments and organisations. The firebreak notice contains information on your responsibilities in regard to firebreak installation and fire prevention measures.
It is essential that you read the firebreak notice every year, as it may have important changes from year to year, including phone numbers.
It has been perceived in the past that the firebreak notice is only for farmers and larger land owners. This is incorrect; the notice pertains to all residents within the Shire of Manjimup.
Compliance with the firebreak notice will assist to protect your property in the event of a fire. Non-compliance may result in a $5,000 penalty.
If it is impractical for you to comply with the firebreak notice (for example a part of your boundary may be too steep to execute an effective firebreak) you must apply by 1 December for an application to vary from the firebreak notice.

Compliant firebreak
Compliant Firebreak

Non-compliant firebreak
Non-compliant Firebreak