News and Notices
Vandalism at the Manjimup Timber and Heritage Park sparks community co
News and NoticesThe public toilet located at History House, adjacent to the adventure playground in Manjimup Timber and Heritage Park, was vandalised on the weekend to the point where it could not be used for a perio
Heritage icon tributes our diverse and connected region
News and NoticesThe Shire of Manjimup has unveiled the fifth heritage icon in a series that are featured in key locations across the shire. Titled the Butter Factory, this icon is a celebration of our diverse region
Visitors from Chinese sister City
News and NoticesThis week, the Shire of Manjimup hosted two visitors - Brian and Peter - from Haiyan County in China, which is located in Jiaxing, the sister city to Bunbury.
Nominations Open for Premier’s Australia Day Active Citizenship Awards
News and NoticesThe 2016 Shire of Manjimup's Premier's Australia Day Active Citizenship Awards ceremony, and Australia Day celebrations, will be held in Northcliffe on Tuesday 26 January 2016.
Cr DeCampo re-elected as Shire President
News and NoticesCr Wade DeCampo has been re-elected as the Shire President, with Cr Dean Bavich once again the Deputy Shire President, both until October 2017.
Pemberton to hit the big screen
News and NoticesA star-studded cast has been confirmed for the WA feature film Jasper Jones, which is being filmed in Pemberton.
Results of the 2015 Local Government Election
News and NoticesAn election was held for the Central Ward of the Shire of Manjimup today, Saturday 17 October 2015. Following the closure of the polling place, a vote count took place for all votes received today and
Solutions for the Walpole dump point
News and NoticesFollowing the overflow of the newly installed dump point in Pioneer Park in Walpole, Shire of Manjimup officers have remedied the situation and determined a multiple-option solution for any incidents
Illegal clearing in Walpole cops significant penalty
News and NoticesA magistrate has today ruled that a penalty of $200,000, plus costs, be paid by Walpole landowner Sunland Pty Ltd for an act of unauthorised clearing works. The ruling is in favour of the Shire of Ma
Southern Forests Welcome
News and NoticesNew entry signage to the Southern Forests region aims to enhance awareness and recognition of the Genuinely Southern Forests brand.
Industry likely to suffer following closure of chip factory
News and NoticesThe closure of the Smith's chip factory in WA could have severe negative consequences on the potato industry, particularly in the Southern Forests region.
Vandals strike in Pemberton
News and NoticesShire President calls for witnesses to acts of vandalism that occurred in Pemberton over the long-weekend.
Anne McKay Address brings inspiration
News and NoticesDon't miss the opportunity to hear from guest speaker, Professor Lyn Beazley AO FTSE, pictured centre.
Growing business relationships a priority
News and NoticesThe Southern Forests SEED Program is branching out to assist young and upcoming primary producers.
Mums-to-be encouraged to not drink alcohol
News and NoticesFetal Alcohol Syndrome is in the spotlight in September every year to raise public awareness of the importance of remaining alcohol free during pregnancy.
Heritage icon pays tribute to the agricultural industry
News and NoticesThe Shire of Manjimup has publicly unveiled the Apple Picker heritage icon, taking place on Saturday 19 September in Manjin Park, Manjimup.
SEEDing opportunities for school leavers
News and NoticesThe Royalties for Regions funded Southern Forests SEED program is facilitating an expression of interest (EOI) process for school leavers, who may be interested in employment opportunities within the
Tourism in the spotlight
News and NoticesThe Shire of Manjimup, as a part of the Warren Blackwood Strategic Alliance, is moving forward with the implementation of a Sub-regional Tourism Organisation (SRTO) to build the region's brand and rep
Nominations open for Councillor positions
News and NoticesThe Local Government Election of 2015 is fast approaching, with nominations for the vacated Councillor positions opening for eight days from 3 September 2015 until 10 September 2015.
Strong relationship turns to rubbish
News and NoticesThe Shire of Manjimup and Manji Men's Shed are working together on a Shire funded project to refurbish the rubbish bins located around the Manjimup CBD.