News and Notices
Alcohol think again campaign hits the spot with the community
News and NoticesA study into the success of stage one of the Southern Forests Alcohol Think Again (SFATA) advertising campaign has revealed that 95% of respondents believe it has relevance in the community.
Growing Science Forum goes off with a bang!
News and NoticesFor the second year running, celebrity science guest speakers have wowed the Southern Forests audience at the Growing Science Forum, held on Friday in Manjimup.
State funding announced for Wellness and Lifestyle Centre
News and NoticesThe Hon. Terry Redman MLA visited Manjimup today to announce Lotterywest funding of $1,044,000 which will be put towards the construction of a Wellness and Lifestyle Centre.
Growing Science strikes again
News and NoticesThe Growing Science Forum is coming to the region again, as part of the Royalties for Regions funded Southern Forests SEED program, on Friday 21 August 2015.
Adopt a spot – keep our roads clean
News and NoticesIn an effort to make the region a more beautiful place to visit, particularly with the rise in interest in the Southern Forests as a tourist destination, Shire President Wade DeCampo is encouraging pe
Recycling matters – how to make the most of your service
News and NoticesThe Shires of Manjimup, Bridgetown-Greenbushes and Nannup all have a kerbside recycling collection, provided and processed by Warren Blackwood Waste at their facility located in Manjimup.
New liquor accord releases poster targeting the region’s locals and vi
News and NoticesA new Liquor Accord', consisting of representatives from local liquor licensees, WA Police, WA Country Health Services and the Shire of Manjimup, has released a poster outlining the Western Australian
Successful events giving the region national exposure
News and NoticesA busy calendar of events has seen the Southern Forests region gain exposure, on a national level, for a range of the unique and sought-after activities and attributes on offer in the Shire of Manjimu
Comments invited on community plan
News and NoticesThe Shire of Manjimup Strategic Community Plan 2015-2025 and Corporate Business Plan 2015-2019 have undergone a minor review in line with the requirements of the State Government's Integrated Planning
Keeping well in winter at the AquaCentre
News and NoticesDespite the weather cooling down in the Southern Forests region, limiting outdoor activities to the finer days, the list of things to do at the Manjimup Regional AquaCentre is on the rise.
Funding announced for nine new mobile towers
News and NoticesThe Shire of Manjimup is set to benefit significantly from the State Government's announcement of the most substantial increase in mobile network coverage that Western Australia has seen since the inc
Responsible dog ownership – compulsory microchipping
News and NoticesDog owners are reminded that by 1 November 2015, all dogs must be microchipped. The Dog Act 1976, a state law which was amended in 2013 to bring in requirements relating to microchipping, is put into
Community buses available for hire
News and NoticesThe Shire of Manjimup offers a bus to local community and recreation groups for hire, available to be booked through the Manjimup Community Resource Centre. In addition, the Shire's Home and Community
Illegal clearing along Walpole foreshore
News and NoticesA random inspection conducted by Shire of Manjimup officers today has identified approximately one hectare of land, along Walpole foreshore, that has been cleared illegally. This matter is now under
Students get inspired by local ag specialists
News and NoticesThe Royalties for Regions funded Southern Forests SEED Program, which is a part of the overall SuperTowns initiative, is hosting its biggest Ag Inspirations program for high school students from the r
Federal decision on the renewable energy target scheme
News and NoticesThe wait is finally over on the federal decision about the future of the renewable energy target (RET) scheme for Australia. The federal government this week came to bipartisan agreement to lower the
State Government praised for supporting prescribed burning
News and NoticesThe State Government announced this week that $20 million of Royalties for Regions money is being dedicated to the prescribed burning program to help reach, and surpass, the annual target of 200,000 h
AquaCentre to launch new pool inflatable
News and NoticesThe Manjimup Regional AquaCentre is hosting celebrations this Saturday to launch the long-awaited, NEW pool inflatable. The whole community is invited to join the festivities.
Home and Community Care (HACC) volunteers
News and NoticesThe Shire of Manjimup's Home and Community Care (HACC) delivers services across Manjimup, Pemberton and Northcliffe, and into Bridgetown, to enable its eligible clients to remain independent at home,
Volunteers crucial to the region
News and NoticesNational volunteer week for 2015, which runs from 11-17 May, has great significance in the Shire of Manjimup, where volunteers are responsible for services ranging from St Johns Ambulance, State Emerg