News and Notices
Bridge Closure Loverock Road
Public NoticesNews and NoticesBridge 4957 Loverock Road, Northcliffe has been deemed unsafe for use and will be immediately closed.
Adopted Fees and Charges 2023-24
Public NoticesAt its ordinary meeting on 15 June 2023 the Manjimup Shire Council adopted the 2023-24 fees and charges effective from 1 July 2023.
POSTPONED -Temporary Car Park Closures
Public NoticesNews and NoticesAsphalt sealing works have been postponed for both the Walpole Jetty Carpark and the Pioneer Park Carpark.
Mining Tenement Exploration Licence Notification
Public NoticesNews and NoticesRecent exploration licences received.
Nominations Called Sustainability Advisory Committee
Public NoticesNews and NoticesNominations are called for representation on the newly formed Sustainability Advisory Committee.
Cat Amendment Local Law
Public NoticesMedia ReleasesAdoption of Cat Amendment Local Law 2022.
Do you have something to tell us?
Public NoticesNews and NoticesAntenno is the easiest way to tell us something.
Electric Vehicle Charging is coming to Manjimup
Public NoticesNews and NoticesEV charging stations are being installed in Johnson Crescent.
Graphite Road Construction Upgrade
Public NoticesNews and NoticesConstruction works will commence on Graphite Road, Manjimup between March and May 2023.
Kerbside Bin Damage
Public NoticesNews and NoticesThe Shire is aware that a number of bins were vandalised in Manjimup overnight on Wednesday 7 December 2022.
Council Meeting Dates 2023
Public NoticesCouncil has adopted the meeting date schedule for 2023.
Adoption of Waste Local Law 2022
Public NoticesNews and NoticesCouncil recently adopted the Waste Local Law 2022
Amendment to 2022/23 Fees and Charges
Public NoticesNews and NoticesOrganic waste disposal fee.
Have you got Antenno?
Public NoticesNews and NoticesAntenno is a mobile app that allows you to take a picture of an issue or concern within your community and report it by sending the image to us.
2022-23 Rates Notices
Public NoticesNews and NoticesThe 2022-23 rates notices should be arriving in your letter boxes this week.
Local Planning Scheme No 4 - Amendment No 23
Public NoticesMedia ReleasesIn accordance with Section 87 of the Planning and Development Act 2005 the Hon Minister for Planning approved the Shire of Manjimup local planning scheme amendment no 23.
Policy 6.1.17 Greenlands Estate Residential Development Standards
Public NoticesNews and Notices6.1.17 Greenlands Estate Residential Development Standards adopted.
Pulse Oximeter
Public NoticesNews and NoticesYou could be eligible for a free pulse oximeter provided by the WA Department of Health.
Adoption of Policy 6.1.2 Advertising of Planning Proposals.
Public NoticesNews and NoticesAt the meeting held on 21 October 2021, Council adopted Local Planning Policy 6.1.2 Advertising of Planning Proposals.
Local Government Ordinary Election Notice of Results
Public NoticesNews and NoticesView the notice of results.